Saturday, September 26, 2009


September 23, 2009 Yoga Session #6

Wednesday week 5

Last week we did a few sun salutations and some balancing poses. My Balance and posture is improving greatly. This week we did some more sun salutations. We did the warrior pose and the crescent poses. And we started moving faster and to our breath. We also experienced this cleansing relaxation walk through with the instructor into our pond of dreams.

The Cleansing walk through

This was different than the staircase effect, maybe I was a little more tired but I didn’t experience it like Sharkie spoke about it. She said we would feel like we were actually going in the water and I just saw nice pictures of the ocean on a beautiful day. But I think it was still a good exercise because it really calmed me down. Although I think I might have fallen asleep at the end.

We did a very momentum driven warrior pose swinging our arms back and forth and it was very rewarding. I definitely broke a sweat this class and I can start feeling the change in my overall body shape just four weeks after yoga :) Overall I really like yoga. The tree balance poses are great on my back.

We also did a freefall exercise where we got to choose our own pose and do it for a couple minutes it was amazing. Everyone did something different. I decided to do the child’s pose because it was one of my favorite things.
The Crescent Lunge
The crescent lunge stretches the whole front of the body and strengthens the front leg, its also to help you work on your balance. The way to do it is start at the runners lunge and lift the body up. Lift your arms up and make sure your thigh is parallel to the ground with your knee over the heel. Move the hips forward and straighten the back leg without lowering your heel and reach back.

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