Friday, September 18, 2009

Sun Salutation C

September 14, 2009 Yoga Session #3
Monday Week 3

I feel like I am finally learning to breathe to enjoy life. I think being an American we are accustomed to this fast pace life and we do things because we have to and not because we want to. But yoga is allowing me to breathe to enjoy it and release stress I can actually feel the air come in and out as I move from position to positing. I move as I exhale or as I inhale and I have stopped thinking. Or am trying to stop thinking and just focus on my breathing and my movements.

I feel that with a few more sessions I will finally be able to do yoga with my eyes closed and this will be beneficial to me because I will no longer feel like I have to compete with those around me that have been doing yoga since the womb. Lol. I am trying not to be competitive but it is in my nature.

Anyways down to real yoga. We practiced a modification of sun salutation C. This was very relaxing. I really enjoy yoga and I do feel the workout. At first I thought ah man I still have to go workout Monday/Wednesday because yoga just does not feel intense enough for me. Oh what a mistake I was feeling it the next few days.

Sun salutation C was great we did a lot of back stretches which was really great for my back, my posture and metabolism. We also did a few balancing positions that were great and although I was shaking it was relaxing. It was a perfect way to start my Monday

Sun Salutation C is the easiest of three and we can make it even easier if we drop out knees to the floor. We start in mountain pose and swine dive to touch the floor and hang in the monkey for a breath. Then we go into a lunge to a plank and hold then we lower our body to lay on the mat slowly and go into the cobra and then into downward dog, back into a lunge and then another forward fold and then stand up and do it again with lunging on the opposite leg. I like it it feels good.

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