Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Day of Yoga

Sept 2, 2009 Yoga Session #1
Wednesday Week 1

It’s the first time I've actually ever taken Yoga. I tried it once I did a five minute intense session at Huntington beach about a year ago. It was hard, I think what happened was that I did it with a few little girls and they were really good, both they’re parents were hippies and loved yoga and taught their kids yoga.

So I walked into this session a little scared of what I was up against, but I'm a fighter, I like to try and do new things and I usually won’t give up just because it starts off hard.

The session went well I really enjoyed it. I am usually an active exerciser and I really like to go running or hiking. I love going to the gym and being on the treadmill or elliptical machine....and I rarely ever stretch. I know its bad for me. But I figure I work out just under an hour so it’s not horribly bad and it’s not like I’m lifting doing yoga was great because it was stretching with style and also a work out but very relaxing. I did notice that I did sweat, but I didn’t feel my legs or muscles cramping and I think it was because of the deep breathing.

Doing yoga I felt I was concentrating on my breathing and following the routine, so my body wasn’t short on oxygen like it usually is when I exercise, so my muscles didn’t feel heavy because there was no lactic acid build up.

Today we did the beginner poses (The Asanas). We started with Tadasana which is just standing straight up feet together and you can go into many other poses, like the Mountain pose which is suppose to teach us how to properly stand and make us aware of our body. When we focus on the Tadasana we want to spread our toes, lift the rib cage, tighten our buttocks, tuck the tailbone in and pull the shoulders down.

All in all I really enjoyed the first session of yoga

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