Saturday, October 3, 2009

Yoga on Speed

September 30, 2009 Yoga Session #8
Wednesday Week 5

So this week I had a dentist appointment which made me miss the Wednesday yoga class, so instead I went to a yoga session in ranchos Palos Verdes at a studio on silverspur that was really small. It was hot and the yoga session lasted two hours and was really intense.

The instructor a young dancer who use to be a cheerleader for the clippers taught the class and told us that only the first hour would be for beginners and the second half of the class would be for individuals who did yoga regularly. She had us working with our mats a lot but there was also blocks she had us working with.

The yoga session was very different then what we have done in class, it was a lot faster and there was a lot more movements. From runners lunge wed kick our legs in the air and then knee to the forehead, which was included in a sun salutation. There were a few exercises that I had never done before and it was really fast paced. We did say Namaste a lot more than we do in class.
After going through the first sequence of poses which included the “Runners Pose,” “Crescent Pose,” and all of the variations of the “Warrior Poses” I could definitely feel my body stretching out. Which was Sun Salutation B I learned but with variations. We started in chair pose and with each inhale or exhale we went into standing up, then swine dive to let our hands touch the floor, half way up into the monkey :) and then the Chaturanga which is a high push up before we do the upward facing dog, then we do a push up and go into downward facing dog. Then we lifted one of our legs straight into the air and lunged forward into runners mark and held warrior one for a breath and then we exhaled back into Chaturanga and again upward facing dog, a push up, downward facing dog and we put the other leg up into the sky, then into runners lung and back to warrior one into our third Chaturanga. Then again we did upward dog, push up, downward dog and back to forward fold and then to chair pose

We did the Triangle Pose and Twisting Triangle. I think it was the twisting chair and the twisting triangle, but it was nice until she made us put our hand behind our back and reach it with our other between the legs. I felt like a pretzel. It was a good class and I think maybe in another five weeks I might be able to keep up and stay for the second hour.

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