Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sleeping in Yoga

October 14, 2009 Yoga Session #12
Wednesday Week 7

This week we did a little bit of stretching from half moons to tree poses and so on just to get stretched and warmed up.

Then we circled around a radio because Sharkie said her throat was hurting and listened to a male therapist take us through a few elevators. I think i saw my elevator it was a hotel elevator. Since we were laying down without moving i saw myself sitting on the bench looking relaxed. I saw the numbers changing and could feel going up but then i think i fell asleep because the mans voice was relaxing. I dont remember dreaming which was good. The only thing was that i did lay straight and still for 30 whole minutes which is nice to do in the middle of the day. Apparently i did not move because the towel on my face did not move.

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