Monday, October 12, 2009

A Challenge

October 7, 2009 Yoga Session #10
Wednesday Week 6

1. Coming Into Practice
2. Flow Preparation
3. Flow/Breath Moves
4. Balancing
5. Deep Stretch and Relaxation


Today we went through a CD that Sharkie made, it was actually really good, and made me feel like the class that I took with Jacqueline in rolling hills. We actually started with some breathing poses but we quickly moved into all of the sun salutations we’ve known and did A and B over and over again. If I remember correctly I think it was more B but we definitely did an A.

Sun Salutation B is the hardest set, mostly because it is a lot longer than the other series. We started in chair pose and with each inhale or exhale we went into standing up, then swine dive to let our hands touch the floor, half way up into the monkey :) and then the Chaturanga which is a high push up before we do the upward facing dog, then we went into downward facing dog. Sharkie's CD took us straight into the dog but in the other class I had we had to do a push up in between. It was tough either way. Then we lifted one of our legs straight into the air and lunged forward into runners mark and held warrior one for a breath and then we exhaled back into Chaturanga and again upward facing dog, downward facing dog and we put the other leg up into the sky, then into runners lung and back to warrior one into our third Chaturanga. Then again we did upward dog, downward dog and back to forward fold and then to chair pose. Sharkie warned us that it would be hard, and if we needed to rest that we should but I didn’t really have trouble keeping up. But I did have trouble because my hands were slippery; because I get sweaty (which Sharkie says is good). All of these movements are suppose to strengthen your body and organs.

That was part three of the CD the first part of the CD is breathing and stretching and the forth is balancing and the final is just laying back and relaxing. It was nice and supposedly if you do it a twice a week for a few weeks you can get into great shape, especially in the abdominal areas which I need

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