Saturday, October 10, 2009

Shoulder Stand

October 5, 2009 Yoga Session #9

Monday Week 6

**laying down downward dog (plow pose)
**Shoulder stand

One of the things about yoga that i really enjoy is that i feel really relaxed and stress free on a Monday afternoon. Usually the start of the week is really hard because i have alot of work to do. But with yoga scheduled early on in the week. Its really really helpful.

This week we did a lot of the usual moves but we did add in a few new moves. We added a little bit of expertise into our bridge pose. Because we did will be doing our midterm in a few weeks i am going to be a little more detailed about what each series is or the steps to each pose. Of course before we did the two new poses we warmed up by doing some warrior poses, some balancing moves and setting up to move to our breath

For example this week we did the plow Pose (Halasana) which is an inversion pose or any pose where our legs are raised above the head. Inversions are suppose to help tone the organs, stimulate the glands and regenerate the body. Sometimes they refer to it as anti-aging poses. To get into plow pose start by lying on your back, bring legs over your head (use your hands to support your lower back if you want to) and if you can let your toes touch the floor but make sure your weight is on your upper back and not your neck. To challenge ourselves we tried to touch our ears with our knees.

From the Plow pose we went into the shoulder stand (Salamba Sarvangasana) but instead of touching the floor we lifted our feet into the sky using our stomach to lift and not our necks. It is suppose to reverse blood flow which is probably not a good exercise to do when you are on your period because it can cause blood back flow. If you are menstruating it is recommended that you just lift the legs up against the wall. It is suppose to help with insomnia and calmness

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